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I was just thinking about how much I truly love my boyfriend. And the more I wrote, the more I fell in love with him.

I Love You

© Ashley Crabtree

You give me happiness,
You give me strength.
That's how I know that love is a beautiful feeling.
When you're close, and I feel your gentle kiss,
Gosh, it drives me crazy.
When you leave, it's all of you that I miss,
You just have no idea, baby.
You're everything I want, so amazing and true.
I love you with everything in me, for everything that you do.
You're my first thought in the morning.
And my last thought at night.
You're in each thought that I have, and every breath that I take,
my feelings for you are growing stronger, with every move that you make.
I think it's the way you look at me and smile,
The reason my heart skips a beat.
I love you from here to the moon and back,
You're worth every mile.
I would've never seen myself blessed this much,
But when I first saw you, God came in clutch.
From that day forward, I called dibs, as you know.
I knew from that moment, that if I got you,
I wasn't gonna let go.
3 months passes, and summer went by.
Then I decided to like your picture and I can't even explain why.
I realized who you were, because I remembered your face,
And I guess that's when God decided to put us on the same page.
After we started talking, I turned into the happiest woman alive.
Now, I don't want to see the world without you by my side.
Day after day, I sit and look back at how far we've come.
How much I've laughed because of you.
How much I've smiled because of you.
How much I've loved because of you.
And it makes me realize that I really am the lucky one.
One day we'll both wake up, happier than ever,
and that day with be the day after I vowed to love and to take care of you forever.
That day will be one of the happiest days for me,
But I'd have to say that the happiest will be,
When I am announced as a momma to be.
After all that you've read, I hope you feel the same way.
I don't expect you to comprehend it all at first, and that's okay!
I just want you to know how much you truly mean to me,
Because without you, I don't know where I'd be.
When you leave, a part of me with go with you.
A big part actually.
I don't want to spend my days with anyone else,
You complete my life entirely.
I promise to always be here when you need me,
Because you know that I love you unconditionally.
I am so proud to call you mine,
You are my happiness.
I promise to love with you all of my heart,
Until the end of time.
I love you.


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Published: December 2015

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